Salt Factor in Apoplexy and Hypertension

--- Epidemiological studies in Japan----


Naosuke Sasaki, M.D.


1904-------------------L.Ambard and E.Beujard (low salt diet)

1944-------------------W.Kempner (rice diet)

1948 S.Kondo and K.Kato(hygienic studies on causative factors in apoplexy)

1950 K.Okytsu(salt hypertension in rabits)

  --------------------L.A.Sapirstein et al.(production of hypertension in the rat)

1951 F.Nakazawa (hypertension in Northeast-area)

1952 ------------------G.B.Meneely et al.(chronic toxicity)

1954 T.Fukuda(salt intake of Akita farmers : 26.3 g)

   --------------------L.K.Dahl(working hypothesis)

1956 N.Sasaki(salt consentration in "MISO" and its relation to the death rate of apoplexy.)

      (relation of urinary findings, especially Na/K ratio, to blood pressure levels)

      (salt intake and its relation to the death rate of apoplexy)

1957 E.Takahashi et al. (Geographic distribution of cerebral hemorrhage and hypertension in Japan: Human Biology)

1960 -------------------L.K.Dahl (possible role of salt intake)

1962 N.Sasaki ( high blood pressure and salt intake of Japanese: Jpn.Heart J.)

1970 N.Sasaki (salt factor in hypertension; IV World Congress of Cardiology)
